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Tim’s Story

“You have to stay strong and positive. It’s okay to have moments where you feel sorry for yourself, but that’s when you need to be your strongest, you can’t let yourself stay there too long — You’ve got to keep fighting.”

— Tim

Tim served 11 years in the military and worked for 22 years in the Connecticut State Prison System as a Lieutenant.

In 2019, Tim suffered a fall that resulted in an Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury at Level C3, leaving him a quadriplegic.

He has since regained some feeling and movement.

“The RT300 was a game changer for me,” Tim says.

He was first introduced to the RT300 at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, GA and continued using it at the VA hospital in Augusta, GA until he was able to get one for home with the help of the VA in the fall of 2020.

“This machine was key during COVID times when Outpatient Therapy was not an option,” Tim says.

When asked about his experience with the RT300, Tim said, “I liked it because it gave me a sense of accomplishment after riding it. It was me versus the machine and it challenged me every single time. I liked seeing the comparison of how much of the work I was doing on my own versus what the machine was doing for me after my ride was complete.”

Tim uses his device at least 3 times a week. Since using the RT300, Tim reports that it has kept his legs and gluts toned.


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“The RT300 has helped him tremendously,” Tim’s wife, Brenda, states. “We get him setup on the RT300 with the electrodes and his headphones and he gets in his zone, and he pedals away.”

“My husband is an amazing man. His hard work ethic and drive to get better is admirable. To go through what he has gone through and still wake up every day with a positive attitude and get on his RT300 – now that takes heart!”

“My wife Brenda is my full-time caregiver and my biggest cheerleader and advocate,” says Tim.

Since receiving the device at home, Tim has started to regain some newer movements in his upper extremities, so they plan to get the arm attachment for the RT300.

“I can’t wait to see the improvement that will bring him as well,” says Brenda.

Tim attributes the RT300 with keeping him strong and motivated.

You are truly an inspiration, Tim!

“You have to stay strong and positive. It’s okay to have moments where you feel sorry for yourself, but that’s when you need to be your strongest, you can’t let yourself be there too long — You’ve got to keep fighting,” Tim says.