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Sarah’s Story

“It’s like full body conditioning, with my arms and legs involved at the same time.”

— Sarah O.

Sarah was 16 when she suffered a C7 spinal cord injury due to a car accident. 

Sarah was first introduced to functional electrical stimulation (FES) when she participated in an FES rowing program in London. She found rowing to be too aggressive on her hips and decided not to pursue it. However, she enjoyed the physical activity it gave her, and continued to assess FES systems until she began using the RT300 at Neurolink Physiotherapy in Wimbledon, which is also where she was introduced to the RT200.

Sarah got her own RT200 and says it’s “one of the best investments I have made.”

At Neurolink, Sarah typically does two to three sessions on her RT200, and four to five sessions standing with the aid of a standing frame and a personal training session.

“My breathing feels stronger, and I have a stronger cough when I need it, which is tremendous. I do not need the stimulation for my arms, but I obviously need it for my legs, which have now returned to normal size, which is also great. I get relief from spasms for a period of time after each session, but when they return, they are stronger because my muscles are stronger. The improved circulation also helped me recover faster from insect bites on my legs during a recent holiday in Mexico.”

Sarah is an Independent Spinal Injuries Researcher and Consultant and Human Rights Practitioner. She has gotten her bachelor’s degree from Edinburgh University and her master’s at the University of London. Additionally, she has worked in Africa for an NGO, works part time as a model, and enjoys swimming, skiing, backpacking across Australia and New Zealand, and scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef!

We can’t wait to see what you are up to next, Sarah!