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Cindy’s Story

“After I get off the RT300, my arms move better. It gets my body going and active.”

— Cindy D.

Cindy suffered a C4 spinal cord injury when a car ran her over while she was sunbathing.

Cindy learned about the RT300 while at the Shepard Center in Atlanta, where she was air-lifted immediately after her accident. She got to use it during an eight-week clinical trial and later bought her own.

“It got my arms stronger. It works me out like a regular person. It’s so innovative the way it works you in different positions. It’s great for keeping your body healthy all over, AND my legs aren’t skinny! They are very muscular. And there’s no atrophy.”

Cindy uses her device three times a week and still gets out of breath. Cindy insists she’ll keep up her regime for a lifetime.

“I do it to stay in shape. I don’t want to get fat in this wheelchair. I don’t want to lose what I have- in fact, I want to gain a lot more. I live by it.”

It also helped Cindy lower her medication by half.

Cindy now runs her foundation, Dreams of Recovery, full time. The foundation has a 12-person board and facilitates four fundraisers a year. Cindy is constantly busy working on the marketing and planning, getting everything coordinated and running smoothly.

“When I got hurt, I had a whole bunch of people to support me, to go out and raise money for me to do therapy. But meanwhile, a friend of mine didn’t have enough to pay for her therapy. So, I asked if we could split the money we’d raised so my friend and I could both do therapy. I know I’m more fortunate than a lot of people. So, I wanted to start a foundation to help other people.”

We are proud of your charitable work, Cindy!