
Easy-to-use touch screen and software.
Adjustable hand/forearm support
Adjustable pedals, calf support, crank radius
Adjustable height and tilt platform
Q-straints safely secure to the RT300
RT300 Leg | Arm | Core
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Incorporates all of the muscle therapy capabilities of the RT300 product line, including integrated FES leg or arm & core muscle therapy.
Restore muscle mass in leg or arm and core muscles with revolutionary integrated functional electrical stimulation (FES).
How it works:
Electrodes are placed on the target muscle groups and the clinician will conduct muscle testing to ensure optimal response as a means of customization.
- Warm-up phase: Slowly moves the body and ramps up the stimulation.
- Active therapy phase: Ensures that the appropriate levels of resistance and stimulation are applied to optimize session results.
- Cool-down phase: Keeps patients comfortable and safe, similar to the warm-up phase.
Muscle Selection:
All stimulation is appropriately coordinated during the leg or arm motion based on the muscle selection.
- Shoulder
Shoulder and scapular stabilizers - Upper extremities
Biceps, triceps, anterior deltoid, posterior deltoid, wrist extensors, wrist flexors, hand extensors, hand flexors - Core and Trunk
Abdominals and back muscle groups (e.g. erector spinae) - Lower extremity
Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals, gastroc, anterior tibialis
Success Stories
The RT300 has provided global rehabilitation support.
Read about patients’ success stories here.
”This machine is working every major group of my body which is just amazing.
Name: Nathan Device: RT300 SLSA Use Setting: Clinic