
Relearning Movement Patterns

Have you or a loved one suffered from a stroke? Restorative Therapies can help.

Many stroke survivors will experience muscle weakness, loss of motor function on one or both sides of the body, gait impairments, tone, spasticity, and secondary complications that can impact quality of life and daily activities.

If you've experienced a stroke, Restorative Therapies can provide a therapy solution to assist you in maintaining your health and maximizing your recovery potential.

How Restorative Therapies Can Help

Restorative Therapies' iFES technology is a therapeutic tool that allows the opportunity for high intensity training. Any available movement is augmented by stimulated muscle contractions that are precisely timed with an activity.

Other benefits for stroke include:

  • Increases motor cortex excitability
  • Improves functional outcomes
  • Improves gait outcomes (in chronic patients)
  • Achieves high repetitions for motor learning
  • Improves cardiovascular capacity

Research Studies

  • “8 out of 10 patients commented without solicitation that the training was clearly beneficial to them, increased their confidence in ambulation, their perception that they could walk longer distances and that both lower limbs felt stronger as a result of the training.” —Alon, 2010 Pilot Study with Chronic patients
  • “Improves motor recovery and walking ability (maintained for 3-5 post stroke) —Ambrosini, 2011 study with Acute patients

Ready to Learn More?

Connect with a Restorative Therapies team member today!